Guáimaro Constitution

The Guáimaro Constitution was an agreement between groups in Spanish colonial Cuba supporting independence from Spain, in effect from 1869 to 1878.



Because of the existing situation at the end of 1868 in the fields of the Cuba Libre - 'Cuba Free' movement, characterized by the existence of two groups and two different flags, that although the agreement between both groups fought such by objective existed between these some differences, was taken to make an assembly in which would give solution to the nonexistence of the single command and to the lack of union and regionalism that reigned between these.

Assembly of Guáimaro

As a result of solving these problems that affected prestige at international level of the Cuban movement and at national level the Revolution, the Assembly of Guáimaro was celebrated, in which the main agreement was the Constitution of Guáimaro, political constitution that would govern the time that delayed the war of Independence of Cuba.

It was put under voting in Guáimaro the 10 of April 1869, by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, President of the Constituent Assembly, and approved by the Deputies: Salvador Cisneros Betancourt, Antonio Zambrana, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, Jesús Rodríguez, Antonio Alcalá, José Izaguirre, Honorato Castillo, Francisco Sánchez, Antonio Lorda, Miguel Betancourt Guerra, Arcadio García, Tranquilino Valdés, Miguel Gerónimo Gutiérrez, and Eduardo Machado.


The Guáimaro Constitution was effective until the 15 of March of 1878.

See also

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